About The British Aikido Federation

The BAF Today
The British Aikido Federation currently has two head instructors for England and Wales. These posts are currently held by Ian McClarence Shihan 7th Dan (England) and Don Morgan Shihan 7th Dan (Wales). In addition to the head instructors for England and Wales, the BAF has several Shihan (master instructors), Shidoin (national instructors) and Fukushidoin (assistant national instructors). Every year at the national Summer School course, the BAF holds its AGM to vote for its National Committee Members. The BAF is a founding member of the Joint Aikikai Council (JAC); a governing body available for Aikido organisations in the UK affiliated with Hombu Dojo or UK-based organisations seeking Hombu recognition. The British Aikido Federation continues to value and maintain a close relationship with Hombu Dojo.
History of the British Aikido Federation
The Aikikai of Great Britain was established in the mid 1960’s when Chiba Kazuo sensei was sent to the UK from Hombu dojo as part of the intention to expand Aikido wider, by the then Doshu, Ueshiba Kisshomaru. When Chiba sensei left the UK to return to Japan in the late 1970s, the Organisation was renamed the British Aikido Federation (BAF). At the same time, the BAF was recognised by the Aikikai in Japan, and our close links were established and remain in place to the present day. From 1978 to his death in 2019, Kanetsuka Minoru Shihan (8th dan) was appointed as the Technical Director of the British Aikido Federation.
In 1976 the British Aikido Federation became a founder member of the International Aikido Federation and continues to be the only organisation in England and Wales with membership, as only one organisation per country is accepted.
All Yudansha (black belt holders) within the BAF are registered at Hombu Dojo and receive certificates issued by the Head of the World Aikido Movement, Doshu Ueshiba Moriteru.

BAF Teaching
The structure of the BAF teaching and grading syllabus is closely based on that of the Hombu Dojo system, not only proficiency of technique, but also correctness of manner and attitude is greatly emphasised. Five national courses, spread around the UK, are held each year, and conducted by senior members of the BAF.
The BAF prides itself on its close relationship with Hombu Dojo and invites an instructor to lead its Summer School National Course each year. Several BAF instructors and many of its students have also spent time training at Hombu Dojo.
All members of the BAF enjoy the benefits of both Public Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance, via the JAC. BAF instructors have professional indemnity insurance and are required to hold a coach level 1-3. The coach qualifications are obtained through attendance at and successful completion of a JAC led coaching course.